CentOS is one of the most widely used Operating Systems for website hosting servers. It's one of the many Linux releases in existence, but what differentiates it from all the rest is the long-term support, which guarantees that you'll always have a stable and protected OS. Every CentOS version that is released is supported for a decade, that's considerably longer than with another OS on the market. CentOS also has a much larger developer community than other distributions, so in the event you experience any problem or have any questions, you are able to instantly find the information that you need. CentOS is considered to be one of the best server Operating Systems, because it is very stable and secure, which makes it very reliable even if you host private info. Due to the fact that it is open-source, you are able to modify any part of it and personalize it according to your requirements, not to mention that the total cost for a CentOS-based server will be lower, as you will not need to pay license fees of any sort.

CentOS in VPS Servers

CentOS is available with every single VPS server that we offer and you will be able to select it during the order process from among a few other Operating Systems. Depending on the software that you would like to set up and run, you will be able to pick between the 32-bit and the 64-bit version and then your new VPS will be all set shortly after that. CentOS supports all three website hosting Control Panels which we provide - cPanel, DirectAdmin and Hepsia. This allows you to choose if you would like to employ the server for your own websites and to manage it as one large account, or if you want to be able to set up numerous hosting accounts and eventually resell them to others. Of course, you can also order a VPS without Control Panel and you will get a server with an OS and the Apache web server software, but no other thing on it, so that you can install only the software that you need for your apps.

CentOS in Dedicated Servers

CentOS is among the Operating Systems which we offer with all of our dedicated server packages. Throughout the registration process, you will be able to select from the 32-bit and the 64-bit release of the OS and ensure that the software environment on your new server matches the requirements of the applications that you wish to install. Compared to other Operating Systems, CentOS will also allow you to choose between a couple of web hosting Control Panels, determined by what you need the server for. With Hepsia, for example, you'll be able to control the whole server like an individual account irrespective of the number of domains which you host, while with cPanel and DirectAdmin, you can generate a different account for each and every domain name, which will give you the opportunity to start a hosting reseller business. In case you do not pick any Control Panel, you'll get your server with CentOS only, since the software that comes with the Control Panels won't be installed. We also offer weekly OS updates as part of our own Managed Services package, so you won't have to devote time and effort downloading and installing the most recent and most secure software on your dedicated server.