Assistance Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A 60 minutes Inquiry Solution Guarantee

  • Our team of techs will try their best to respond to your help inquiries in about 1 hour. If, however, the difficulty you have encountered calls for the assistance of the Administrators’ =Team,= we’ll address the ticket to the person on shift and will submit a note to let you know.

  • Top quality support service
  • Top–quality Customer Assistance Service

  • Our technical help Department is going to be on duty for you day–and–night to to respond to all support inquiry tickets that you send to us. We offer technical assistance for the software packages that are pre–installed on your web server. These include our custom produced Control Panel, the preferred OS and also the server administration panel (depending on the VPS type).

  • Intuitive help center
  • An Informative Help Zone

  • An extensive and consistently updated article base is integrated into our custom–built Control Panel. It offers you quick tips about how to perform all of the important website managing duties. The Help section offers you comprehensive how–to tutorials and step–by–step video courses. You can access the Help section by clicking the Help or Video buttons in the right corner of each Control Panel section.