Once you have a web site as well as an web application, speed is essential. The faster your web site functions and then the quicker your applications function, the better for you. Because a site is simply an assortment of files that connect with each other, the systems that keep and access these files have a crucial role in web site general performance.

Hard disk drives, or HDDs, have been, until the past several years, the most dependable devices for storing information. Nevertheless, in recent times solid–state drives, or SSDs, have been rising in popularity. Take a look at our comparability chart to see if HDDs or SSDs are more effective for you.

1. Access Time


SSD drives present a brand new & imaginative approach to file safe–keeping in accordance with the use of electronic interfaces instead of any kind of moving parts and spinning disks. This different technology is considerably faster, making it possible for a 0.1 millisecond data file access time.


HDD drives depend on rotating disks for files storage reasons. Each time a file is being used, you will have to wait for the appropriate disk to get to the appropriate position for the laser beam to view the file involved. This translates into a standard access speed of 5 to 8 milliseconds.

2. Random I/O Performance


Thanks to the very same radical strategy which allows for speedier access times, you may as well appreciate better I/O performance with SSD drives. They’re able to perform twice as many procedures within a given time in comparison to an HDD drive.

An SSD can handle at the very least 6000 IO’s per second.


All through the exact same tests, the HDD drives proved to be much slower, with simply 400 IO operations addressed per second. Even though this may seem like a significant number, if you have an overloaded web server that serves many well known web sites, a slow hard disk drive may lead to slow–loading websites.

3. Reliability


SSD drives are built to have as less rotating elements as possible. They utilize an identical technique like the one used in flash drives and are much more trustworthy in comparison to standard HDD drives.

SSDs provide an common failing rate of 0.5%.


For an HDD drive to work, it needs to spin a couple of metallic disks at over 7200 rpm, keeping them magnetically stable in the air. There is a massive amount moving elements, motors, magnets and also other tools jammed in a small space. So it’s no surprise the common rate of failing of an HDD drive can vary among 2% and 5%.

4. Energy Conservation


SSD drives are far small compared to HDD drives and also they do not have just about any moving parts at all. As a result they don’t generate just as much heat and need considerably less energy to work and less energy for cooling reasons.

SSDs take in somewhere between 2 and 5 watts.


HDD drives are famous for being noisy. They want more electric power for air conditioning applications. Within a web server that has a lot of different HDDs running continuously, you’ll need a good deal of fans to keep them kept cool – this will make them a lot less energy–effective than SSD drives.

HDDs use up somewhere between 6 and 15 watts.

5. CPU Power


Because of SSD drives’ better I/O efficiency, the key server CPU can work with data file requests a lot quicker and preserve time for other procedures.

The common I/O delay for SSD drives is exactly 1%.


When you use an HDD, you will have to invest more time waiting for the outcome of your data file ask. Because of this the CPU will continue to be idle for extra time, awaiting the HDD to respond.

The average I/O wait for HDD drives is approximately 7%.

6.Input/Output Request Times


In the real world, SSDs function as admirably as they did in the course of our checks. We produced a full system back–up on one of the production servers. Over the backup operation, the typical service time for any I/O requests was basically below 20 ms.


All through the exact same lab tests with the same server, this time around installed out using HDDs, overall performance was considerably reduced. All through the server backup procedure, the regular service time for I/O calls ranged between 400 and 500 ms.

7. Backup Rates


You’re able to check out the real–world added benefits of using SSD drives each and every day. By way of example, with a web server loaded with SSD drives, a complete backup will take merely 6 hours.


Alternatively, with a server with HDD drives, a comparable data backup could take 3 to 4 times as long to finish. A full back–up of any HDD–powered server typically takes 20 to 24 hours.

To be able to immediately enhance the overall performance of one’s websites without having to adjust any code, an SSD–driven web hosting solution will be a good alternative. Check the Linux shared hosting service packages along with our VPS web hosting service – our services feature swift SSD drives and can be found at cost–effective price points.

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